Monday, July 28, 2008

Yet another beach day

I took the day off today to hang out another day with Sam. We took him and his cousin Owen out for breakfast this morning...Sam thought that I was hungry before we left and tried to feed me his finger!

Then we came back and headed for the beach. Sam was a big helper in getting the umbrella in the ground...

After the umbrella was firmly in place Sam said see ya and headed down to the water...

He found some big shells to play with...

Here's mom and Sam with the waves crashing behind them :)

Back up away from the water, Sam got buried...It was very funny and he seemed to be amused by it!

Family Time

Sam, Mom and Dad

We got a passerby to take one of all of week on Cape Cod we'll have another one of the other side of the family!

...and one of the boys

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Barnegat Light

We went to Barnegat Light before the rains came (see previous post).

It's a beautiful lighthouse that you can climb up to the top of. Abi and Sam stayed below but I went up to the top with Kev and Rich. The views were beautiful and I was able to spot Ab and Sam walking below. Notice the yellow circle :)

Here we all are after I got back down...

LBI Storm

A crazy storm moved through our area for most of the afternoon. Abi caught a little of it on video. Despite the hail, Sam slept through it all!

Smarty Pants

Doesn't he look so smart with daddy's glasses!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Summer Vacation

We've headed out for a weekend vacation with Grammy and Grampy at Harvey Cedars on LBI.

We're steps away from the beach. As you may have guessed, Sam was in his glory!

He is always very busy at the beach...rarely any time to hang out and relax...there are always things to discover or projects to do...

Nonetheless, there is always time for watching planes with Grampy!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


We spent so much time in the water today. After the sprayground (previous post) we relaxed for a while then headed to the beach. It's nice to go in the evening because it's usually cooler and less crowded. It was 96 degrees when we got there, and packed with much for the usual. Nonetheless, we had a lot of fun :)

When we got down to the beach his mom sunblocked him up...

He then proceeded to face plant in the sand! I tried to get a picture but our main focus was trying to get the sand out of his eyes and can get the idea here though!

He recovered nicely and made his way to the water...

He liked the rope a lot but the waves were pretty big and moved it around quite a bit. It was a battle to keep it away from him.

Here we are watching the big waves crash...

I really like this one...his mom is becoming a pro at capturing good shots!

A little video for those interested!

At the Sprayground

One of the County parks has something called a "sprayground," which is a playground area with fountains and all kinds of fun water-spraying things to play with. It is about a million degrees here this weekend so we took Sam to see if he'd like it.

Well, he did!

He had so much fun but his eyes were starting to hurt because of the chlorine.

...if he had his druthers he'd have stayed and explored all day :)

After the sprayground we took him over to the swings for a little while and he has as much fun there!

Here's a little clip of his explorations...

Friday, July 18, 2008


Mom took some good pics of Sam and his reflection the other day :)

This one is my favorite!

But this is pretty good too...

...and so is this

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Just a cute cameraphone pic of Sam munching on lunch today to keep folks coming back. Looks like he's ready for a haircut again soon! We've been crazy lately so I have been negligent in posting but there a few good ones on deck soon...Sam got a little guitar so stay tuned :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our baby grew up today...kind of

Abi and Sam were waiting for me to come home today when he crawled up onto the first step of our stairs...then he got up onto the second one...then the third! By the time I came home he was a pro and made it all the way up to the second floor. Now its time to prevent him from doing it again!

Here's our determined little guy succeeding in getting all the way up the stairs :)

...and a little video of his efforts...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sam and Spooky

Sam spent the Fourth of July hanging out with Spooky and watching the Red Sox win :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Another Month Older

Sam reached the nine month mark yesterday so here are a few of our monthly pics...

"I...state your name..."

I'm not sure which of these two pics captures his personality better than the other :)