Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Wednesday Music

Long is the road we must travel on down.
Short are the legs that will struggle behind.
I wish I knew for sure, just where we're bound,
What we will be doin' and what we're gonna find.
Wherever we go, there will be birds to cheer you
Flower to color in the fields around.
Wherever we go, I'll be right here near you
You can't get lost when you're always found.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Big Boy

Sam is getting to be a big boy who can sit up all by himself, which means that we get to bring him around in shopping carts. It's a whole heck of a lot easier...and he seems to really like his new perspective.

But he does pretty well in his stroller too! Here he is playing with an alligator (that did not come home with us!)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Liberaci...or Jerry Lee?!

Here are a few vids of our little Liberaci going all Jerry Lee Lewis on us :) They're a little short because Abi was running out of batteries...but you can clearly see that he has potential!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday Music

Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
Sometimes we visit your country and live in your home
Sometimes we ride on your horses, sometimes we walk alone
Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A New Tent

Sam got a new tent today...specifically for the beach, but it's for indoors too. We had to set it up and see how things worked. He liked it :)

Of course, we had to zip everything up too!

Marco Alfred Sullivan

My friend Jake and his wife Cindy had a little boy last Friday!! His name is Marco Alfred Sullivan and he was 6 lbs, 10 oz, and 19 inches long...just a little lighter than Sam, but the same length. Congratulations to Jakey and Cindy!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Passover!

Sam did his best to play his part tonight...yarmulke and all! Couldn't decide which to post so here are two pics :)


For those of you with websites, I've added a "widget" for Sam's blog over on the left. If you want, you can click on the Get Widget button below the widget, and import a miniature version of Sam's Blog it onto yours :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Music Man

He had rings on his fingers and bells on his shoes.
And I knew without askin' he was into the blues.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Swinging At The Playground

Not only did Sam make a fun sign and video for grandpa today, but he also went to the park and had fun on a swing there...


Democratic Primary Counter

So, for those of you who are as interested in the Democratic Presidential Primary as Samuel is, we have added a widget over on the left from a great site, 2008 Democratic Convention Watch, which is tracking general Convention news and superdelagate endorsements...good stuff!

2024 is the magic number...keep watching!

Grandpa's Birthday!

It's Sam's Grandpa's Birthday today, so...

Here's the movie :)


Sam's first two teeth came through in the last few days! Pretty soon he'll be driving.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sam Takes Manhattan!

We took Sam into the New York City for the first time today...we went in for a race in Central Park that raises money for Lung Cancer Research.

Abi and her mom took turns pushing Sam, who incidentally came in first place!

As you can see, he didn't seem at all winded by the success...

He even enjoyed some of the festivities afterwards...

...and ate the obligatory bagel after the race was done...not bad for no teeth, right?!

After the race, we went to lunch at a diner on Madison Avenue, where Sam rehydrated himself, even using a straw!

All of the action was a little too much to handle for the little guy, who, at 11:00 am, couldn't take it anymore!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Playin' In The Band

If a man among you
Got no sin upon his hand
Let him cast a stone at me

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Cousins From The North

We went up to Massachusetts last weekend and Sam got to see almost all of his cousins. His cousin Patrick was hanging elsewhere for the weekend, as teenagers tend to do!

The kids are - Front Row (Left to Right): Connor, Connor's cousin, and Sam
Back row: Connor, Regan, another of Connor's cousins, Maeve, Shea and Liam.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

His Hairbrush

Here's Sam with his hairbrush...he's starting to need one with his fluffy hair!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Now Showing On YouTube

I'm having trouble loading some video clips to the blog, so I've created a YouTube page for Sam, which is linked over at the left where it says Sam On YouTube. Check there periodically to enjoy his latest antics :)

Sam's First Baseball Game

Sam saw his first baseball game today. It was a single A game that we watched from a box so he got to roll around on the ground in the warmth and occasionally wander outside to watch the action. He seemed to have a wonderful time. Hopefully he'll continue to enjoy them as he grows older.

Here we are looking at mom...

...and watching the game :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another Month Older...Already!

Sam is six months old today and he's beginning to grow out of his little sign! Abi took some fun pics and I couldn't narrow it down to one, so I narrowed it to three (all of which reflect his personality pretty well as of late)...

A handsome boy pic...

A "lets eat the sign" pic...

...and a smiling Sam pic...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The boys hanging out at the grill on a Sunday night...